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At the end of training, the dog will sit (rather than jump or mouth) when people move quickly near him. 


This plan is for dogs who jump and/or mouth people who move quickly or in a way that is exciting to the dog. You may need to add different distractions to the plan depending on the dog's needs.


Complete the Basic Sit-Stay Plan before starting this plan.


  • Do steps in sets of 5 repetitions up to step 12.   


  • For steps 2-10, ask for a sit, then proceed with the distraction.  It can be helpful to have the dog tethered if working alone.


  • For steps 11 on, do the distraction 1st, then cue the sit.


  • This plan can be done with a single trainer/handler performing distractions & cueing & rewarding “sit,”or with a helper performing the distractions.

  •  If the dog gets it right 4 or 5 times out of 5, move to next step. 


  •  If the dog gets it right 3 times out of 5, repeat the current step.


  •  If the dog gets it right 1 or 2 or times out of 5, drop to the previous step. 


  • “Gets it right” means the dog holds a sit throughout the distractions in steps 1-11; for steps 12 on, “gets it right” means the dog doesn’t jump up & sits for a hand signal


  • Always reward the dog in a sit position. If he gets up when you’re reaching for treats after a distraction, get him back into a sit before giving him the treat.


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